Stange behavior on my Quadro 6000

I recently installed the nvidia driver for our quadro 6000 on the lastest ubuntu distribution 64 bits …

after executing the glsl shader , I got a huge black screen…
and after a painful debug , I found the origin of the black screen, it was in the following function:

/** helper functions to calculate the corresponding depth ( in meters) from the returned values of the kinect */
float ComputeDepthLinear(float discDepth)
if( discDepth < 2047.0)
return (1.0 / ( discDepth * (-0.0030711016) + 3.3309495161 ));
return 0.0;


without adding the else before the return 0.0 statement nothing is working
I replaced the function with this one :
float ComputeDepthLinear(float discDepth)
if( discDepth < 2047.0)
return (1.0 / ( discDepth * (-0.0030711016) + 3.3309495161 ));
return 0.0;

et voila everything works fine!!!
AFAIK the gpu executes the two paths and then select the appropriate path, but i think that he picked up the wrong path

is this a driver bug? ( the same shader has been tested on the mac and on previous nvidia drivers and on ATI cards and it works fine…)

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