linker error using dev c++ and devpak


I am new to opengl and have started learning from and really liking it.But when I copied their code in Dev c++ and compiled , it showed Linker error–undefined reference…please guide me how to correct it.

Did you add the gl libraries ?
When posting an error message, please do not cut the important part (ie. which call is an undefined reference ?)

Besides, Dev c++ is not maintained anymore, see Code::Blocks for updates :

Thanks for the reply… I am new to opengl and also is more into java. Due to some work, I have to switch to opengl with c++.
Linker error- undefined referece to glEnable
Linker error- undefined referece to glViewport
Linker error- undefined referece to glVertex
Linker error- undefined referece to glLoadIdentity
Linker error- undefined referece to glMatrixMode
and like this there are 32 errors , means every single function of gl and glut is in error.

Kindly guide me how to add libraries? and also advice me with any good IDE for c++ + opengl.



first google hit for “devc++ opengl” :
read the stuff around -lglut etc.

As I said, codeblocks is good.

On Windows MSVC is unbeatable. If you need portability then I’d probably also recommend Code::Blocks as an IDE.