Continuous rendering of animations

Hey there! Could anyone help me? This is my very first project in OpenGL. We have to make a 3D animation of a scene where a robot mixes the letters of our name and creates some other words from it.

My problem is: I have my animation split into some points, in each point something changes, like: the robot goes forward or takes a letter, e.g. in the next point places the taken letter to another place, BUT I dont know how to join these points/steps together using some timer function so that my animation could run smoothly. Because all now it does just starts with the first point, renders it, then after some given time delay (with SDL_Delay) it renders the other point/scene/step. So there are no connections between the scenes, though I have them written to count the connection and render the scene smoothly… ://

Only I can see now is just the robot standing at point 1, standing next to the table at point 2, holding the letter at point 3, … but there is no connectuon between the scenes, as the “walking to the table” could be between point 1 and 2.

please help me…

nevermind… I fixed it