How to give value to in , out or uniform variables

i try to write a simple shader using glVertexAttrib(…) ,but it does not work.

in the vertex shader ,i declared a variable:
in vect4 color;
i use it like that
gl_FrontColor = color;

in the fragment shader:
gl_FragColor = color* diffuse_value;

if i use gl_Color instead of color ,it works well,
However , i want to change the value of color by using glVertexAttrib(…), so i wrote
the following code ,but it does not change the color to red.
why???can someone explain this to me ?
void Shader::init(const char *vsFile, const char *fsFile)

GLfloat c[]={1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0};
GLint loc;


The fragment shader’s inputs are the vertex shader’s outputs. The fragment shader does not have access to the vertex shader’s inputs, which are vertex attributes.

gl_FrontColor is a vertex shader output that maps to the fragment shader input gl_Color. That’s why it works.

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