check if shaders compiled

I just recently got “The OpenGL Superbible” as my first opengl book and am starting to learn opengl 3.x+. Anyway, between that and the examples at i have written my first program, but I can’t get any shader errors. Here is my shader loading code:

    void setupShaders()
        GLint testval;
        GLint abort = 0;
        //Set Filenames
        string vertexFName = "vertex.shader";
        string fragFName = "fragment.shader";
        //create variables needed
        string source;
        const char* source_c; //cstr version for OGL
        const char* sour;
        //create shaders and the program
        vertexShader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
        fragShader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
        shaderProg = glCreateProgram();
        //load vertex shader
        source = loadFromFile(vertexFName);
        source_c = source.c_str();
        sour = source_c;
        glShaderSource(vertexShader, 1, &source_c, NULL);
        //load fragment shader
        source = loadFromFile(fragFName);
        source_c = source.c_str();
        glShaderSource(fragShader, 1, &source_c, NULL);
        //compile and link
        glAttachShader(shaderProg, vertexShader);
        glAttachShader(shaderProg, fragShader);
        //catch any errors
        glGetShaderiv(vertexShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &testval);
        if(testval == GL_FALSE)
            abort = 1;
            char infolog[1024];
            cout << "The vertex shader failed to compile with the error:" << endl << infolog << endl;
        glGetShaderiv(fragShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &testval);
        if(testval == GL_FALSE)
            abort = 1;
            char infolog[1024];
            cout << "The fragment shader failed to compile with the error:" << endl << infolog << endl;
        glGetProgramiv(shaderProg, GL_LINK_STATUS, &testval);
        if(testval == GL_FALSE)
            abort = 1;
            char infolog[1024];
            cout << "The program failed to compile with the error:" << endl << infolog << endl;
            cout << "errors occured, cannot continue, aborting." << endl;

Sorry about the length,

EDIT: oh, the output may help, it outputs

The vertex shader failed to compile with the error:

The fragment shader failed to compile with the error:

The program failed to compile with the error:

errors occured, cannot continue, aborting.

Could we see what your shader contains?


Gah, why is notify not working? Anyway, i found the problem on my own, I forgot to initialize opengl… =P