light projector with OpenGL 1.1 only


for a project for school, I’d like to create a light projector. However, I’m stuck with GL 1.1 only (computer of the teacher).
And as far as I know, multitexturing appeared only in GL 1.2, so I wonder how to do lightmap in that case.
And second point, how to “mimics” the “fog” made by the light beam, something like in

Anyone has any ideas ?

And as far as I know, multitexturing appeared only in GL 1.2, so I wonder how to do lightmap in that case.

Multipass rendering. You render the geometry with the base texture. Then you render the same geometry again with the light map and appropriate blending operations (multiply, for example).

GL 1.1 probably means the teacher has no gfx accelerated card. Better to bring your own laptop along. Otherwise your project might run very slowly.


thanks for the reply.

I’ll check the multipass rendering.

The teacher has gfx accelerated card. However he will check only under dev-cpp, and on my computer dev-cpp/glut doesn’t work. So, for conveniences, I prefered not to stuck with opengl extensions (glew or manual doings) so that to avoid issues…

Thanks again