AMD Catalyst driver errors -- tessellation

A thread in the Advanced OpenGL forum discusses two different errors in the AMD Catalyst driver version 10.11:

Further discussion of this issue belongs here in this forum.

To summarize:

Something I meant to mention but left out of my last post in the thread in the advanced forum is that I haven’t had any problem with my tessellation shaders for quads previously, but I have always defined each gl_TessLevelOuter[] element using an index variable, such as edge_ndx, like this:

int  edge_ndx;

for (edge_ndx = 0;   edge_ndx < 4;   edge_ndx++) {
//do determine curvature and length of each patch edge...
  gl_TessLevelOuter[edge_ndx] = ????;

could you send your test cases to me? I’m employer of AMD, and I can’t reproduce these issue with your describe. My email is

I’ve sent you a test case for quad tessellation.

I’ve sent you a test case demonstrating that the vertex spacing qualifier of tessellation evaluation shaders is ignored when the primitive mode qualifier of tessellation evaluation shaders is isolines.

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