How To Draw Sphere With GLES2.0

Hi group,

I am recently developing an application that uses the OpenGL ES 2.0 to render a sphere. But I am not familiar with the shading language.

I have done sth like this:

const qreal phi=0.0809016994374947f;

const float u0 = 0.0f;

const float u1 = 0.173205081f;

const float u2 = 0.346410162f;

const float u3 = 0.519615242f;

const float u4 = 0.692820323f;

const float u5 = 0.866025402f;

const float v0 = 0.0f;

const float v1 = 0.111111111f;

const float v2 = 0.222222222f;

const float v3 = 0.333333333f;

const float v4 = 0.444444444f;

const float v5 = 0.555555555f;

const float v6 = 0.666666666f;

const float v7 = 0.777777777f;

const float v8 = 0.888888888f;

const float v9 = 1.0f;

QMatrix4x4 modelview(
R[0], R[4], R[8], 0.0f,
R[1], R[5], R[9], 0.0f,
R[2], R[6], R[10], 0.0f,
P[0], P[1], P[2], 1.0f);
modelview = modelview.transposed(); // ODE matrix needs to be transposed for OpenGL

program1.setUniformValue(matrixUniform2, modelview);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_uiTexture);
GLfloat afVertices[] = {
      0.0f, 0.05f, phi ,    // A - 0
	 0.0f, 0.05f, -phi ,   // B - 1

     0.0f, -0.05f, phi ,   // C - 2
     0.0f, -0.05f, -phi ,  // D - 3

     0.05f, phi, 0.0f ,    // E - 4

     0.05f, -phi, 0.0f ,   // F - 5

     -0.05f, phi, 0.0f ,   // G - 6

     -0.05f, -phi, 0.0f ,  // H - 7

     phi, 0.0f, 0.05f ,    // I - 8

     phi, 0.0f, -0.05f ,   // J - 9

     -phi, 0.0f, 0.05f ,   // K - 10

     -phi, 0.0f, -0.05f    // L - 11
program2.setAttributeArray(vertexAttr2, afVertices, 3);

GLfloat afTexCoord[] = {
    u0, v1 ,  u1, v2 ,  u1, v0  , // E-A-I	

     u0, v3 ,  u1, v2 ,  u0, v1  , // G-A-E

    u0, v3 ,  u1, v4 ,  u1, v2  , // G-K-A

    u0, v5 ,  u1, v4 ,  u0, v3  , // L-K-G

     u1, v2 ,  u2, v3 ,  u2, v1  , // A-C-I

   u1, v4 ,  u2, v3 ,  u1, v2  , // K-C-A

     u1, v4 ,  u2, v5 ,  u2, v3  , // K-H-C

     u1, v6 ,  u2, v5 ,  u1, v4  , // L-H-K

     u2, v3 ,  u3, v4 ,  u3, v2 , // C-F-I

     u2, v5 ,  u3, v4 ,  u2, v3  , // H-F-C	

     u2, v5 ,  u3, v6 ,  u3, v4 , // H-D-F

     u2, v7 ,  u3, v6 , u2, v5  , // L-D-H	

     u3, v4 , u4, v5 ,  u4, v3 , // F-J-I	

     u3, v6 ,  u4, v5 ,  u3, v4 , // D-J-F 	

     u3, v6 ,  u4, v7 ,  u4, v5  , // D-B-J

     u3, v8 ,  u4, v7 ,  u3, v6 , // L-B-D

     u4, v5 ,  u5, v6 ,  u5, v4 , // J-E-I	

     u4, v7 ,  u5, v6 ,  u4, v5 , // B-E-J	

     u4, v7 ,  u5, v8 ,  u5, v6, // B-G-E	

     u4, v9 ,  u5, v8 ,  u4, v7 

program2.setAttributeArray(texCoordAttr2, afTexCoord, 2);

GLfloat afNormals[] = {

     4, 0, 8 ,            // E-A-I

     6, 0, 4 ,            // G-A-E

     6, 10, 0 ,           // G-K-A

     11, 10, 6 ,          // L-K-G

     0, 2, 8 ,            // A-C-I

     10, 2, 0 ,           // K-C-A

     10, 7, 2 ,           // K-H-C

     11, 7, 10 ,          // L-H-K

     2, 5, 8 ,            // C-F-I

     7, 5, 2 ,            // H-F-C

     7, 3, 5 ,            // H-D-F

     11, 3, 7 ,           // L-D-H

     5, 9, 8 ,            // F-J-I

     3, 9, 5 ,            // D-J-F

     3, 1, 9 ,            // D-B-J

     11, 1, 3 ,           // L-B-D

     9, 4, 8 ,            // J-E-I

     1, 4, 9 ,            // B-E-J

     1, 6, 4 ,            // B-G-E

     11, 6, 1  

program2.setAttributeArray(normalAttr2, afNormals, 3);

program2.setUniformValue(textureUniform2, 0);


glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 36);

But what I got is just a sliced trianglte. So I wonder whether the problem goes to adjusting the parameters of each matrix, or there is another way to do so.


take a look at How_to_draw_a_sphere and the two demos at the top of the page.

Thx, it helps. Now i have another question about the data type. Since I should use GLfloat to acclaim the vertices array, I try to replace all the “var” data type in the example to “GLfloat”, but it doesn’t work and nothing shows on the screen. If I use “float” to initialize those data, how can I transfer the array to “GLfloat” type? Does it make sense?

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