GL Intercept repport "still active"

I use GL Intercept and it gives me this:

GLDriver - Shutdown - Current OpenGL context 0x10000?
GLDriver - Shutdown - Outstanding OpenGL context 0x10000 ?
ImageManager::Destructor - OpenGL id 1 is still active. (Image Memory leak?)
ImageManager::Destructor - OpenGL id 2 is still active. (Image Memory leak?)
ImageManager::Destructor - OpenGL id 3 is still active. (Image Memory leak?)
ImageManager::Destructor - OpenGL id 4 is still active. (Image Memory leak?)
ImageManager::Destructor - OpenGL id 5 is still active. (Image Memory leak?)
ImageManager::Destructor - OpenGL id 6 is still active. (Image Memory leak?)
ShaderGLSLManager::Destructor - OpenGL id 3 is still active. (ShaderGLSL Memory leak?)

Is this a bad thing? I read somewhere opengl cleans up itself, but I’m not sure.

You can ignore it if you wish. It’s just letting you know about OpenGL objects that you created which you did not delete. It’s generally not good form to leave objects lying around, but it’s not going to cause any problems either.


I was a little anxious, because my pc suddenly crashed two times when going to standby and windows said something about ati videocard (driver). I’m glad that now I know that it is not my program that caused it.