Relation between VBO, FBO and PBO

I read about Vertex Buffer Object (VBO), Frame Buffer Object (FBO) Pixel ,Buffer Object (PBO).
I have a FX5200 graphic card.
When is need (and when not need) to use all VBO,FBO,PBO features ?
How help me this VBO and PBO features ?
I need some simple example with VBO and PBO features .
Regards .

Vertex Buffer Object (VBO), Frame Buffer Object (FBO) Pixel ,Buffer Object (PBO).

No, that’s Framebuffer Object. One word. Vertex Buffer Objects and Pixel Buffer Objects are both uses off buffer objects. You can use buffer objects as the source for vertex attributes (ie: meshes), and you can use buffer objects for pixel transfer operations (reading from/writing to a texture).

Framebuffer Objects have nothing to do with this.

I have a FX5200 graphic card.

Really? Wow, that’s really old.

When is need (and when not need) to use all VBO,FBO,PBO features ?

The OpenGL Wiki has information about buffer objects and FBOs. The buffer object information is not entirely complete as of yet; the page on PBOs is a stub.

The songho tutorial may be a helpful read.

Thank you , very good tutorials.

Really? Wow, that’s really old.

Yes is old , my pc has AGP and 1,7 AMD athlon procesor 1,7 Ghz .
But i like to use with Linux and OpenGL ( more with pyopengl)
I’m not a very good programer with OpenGL , but i learn fast .
Thank all for help me.