glGetError return GL_INVALID_VALUE

Hi Experts,

In a cg code, i found a cgResetPassState call cause error in opengl
Here is my code

// Some Cg shader calls.
char lpczPassName[MAX_PASS_NAME_SIZE] = “MyPass”
CGpass pass = cgGetNamedPass( m_cgBRPTechnique, lpczPassName );
cgSetPassState( pass );

// Render code.

int nErrorValue = glGetError();
if( GL_NO_ERROR != nErrorValue )
OutputDebugString( _T( “Find an Error Before
cgResetPassState” ));
cgResetPassState( pass );
nErrorValue = glGetError();
if( GL_NO_ERROR != nErrorValue )
OutputDebugString( _T( “Find an Error after
cgResetPassState” ));

Is there any possibility to set opengl error flag after a call to
From its documentation, it is found that

cgResetPassState resets all of the graphics state defined in a pass by
calling the state resetting callbacks for all of the state assignments
in the pass.

But my doubt why this call cause error flag to set.

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