OpenGL programs not running

I have made a program written in c++ and it’s not working on other pc. I have installed the program to different pc’s. These PC have on-board video and my program is using OpenGL 2.0.

I’m confused because the program is running to some pc also with on-board video but different motherboard. These pc’s may unable to run my OpenGL program but still able to run an OpenGL screensaver.

I have tried to run sample programs from the net but also not working.

My question is, how will I know if the board can’t really support my program? Or maybe i’ll be needing to do something more.

I hope somebody can help me out with this.

OpenGL is built from core + extensions. You can never assume some function is going to work unless u specifically check whether the driver supports your version and any extensions you may have used. I suggest you enumerate the gl version and all extensions when ur app first starts up and check that you have all the right extensions.

[ul][]Check GL_VERSION.[]Check GL_EXTENSIONS.[]Check the addresses of your entry points.[]If a glGet is associated with an extension, call it and check that the value it gives you is valid.[*]Use glGetError after each function call (in test builds) to confirm that your usage of OpenGL is correct.[/ul]