Installing opengl and glut

im a beginner to programming.Could you give a hand in setting up open gl on windows visual c++,The only info i get is that “unable to start the program bla bla bla n some debug.exe” error… or else please give me a hand in qtcreator.

Thank u so much

Checked “getting started” in the wiki? New stuff added all the time. :slight_smile:

i got problem when compile opengl project in codeblock.
every time i compile,the glut.h will come out and say there is 3 error in my code.
but i have try the code in other computer and can be compiled.Is it the problem of my laptop or the glut.h library i download has problem.please reply me.thanks.

Which errors ? :stuck_out_tongue:

it states that the "glutInitDisplayMode"has error.something like my coding is wrong wo.why?

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