Cube Map without using OpenGL's Cube Mapping

I’m requesting a bit of help since I cannot find what exactly is wrong with this bit of code. It seems to render the sphere in exactly one color.

 * \brief	calcTexCoord2	The final step in calculating texture coordinates.
 * \param	texture	The texture to use
 * \param	axis	The value of the axis to use.
 * \param	s_coord	The value to plug in for the s equation.
 * \param	t_coord The value to plug in for the t equation.
 * \return	Nothing.

void calcTexCoord2(int texture, GLdouble axis, GLdouble s_coord, GLdouble t_coord) {
	//cout << "axis: " << axis << " ";
	GLdouble s, t;	//texture coordinates
	s = (s_coord + axis) / (2 * axis);
	t = (t_coord + axis) / (2 * axis);
	//cout << "axis: " << axis << " s_coord: " << s_coord << " t_coord: " << t_coord << " s: " << s << " t: " << t << endl;
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_name[texture]);
	glTexCoord2f(s, t);

 * \brief	calcTexCoord	Inputs the texture coordinate at that point.
 * \param	vertex	The vertex to calculate the texture coordinate for.
 * 			Also, the assumption is that the vertex can be treated as the
 * 			normal, since the sphere is of radius = 1 and centered at origin. 
 * \param	viewer	The view vector.
 * \return	Nothing.

void calcTexCoord(GLdouble vertex[3], GLdouble *viewer) {
	//cout << "normal: " << vertex[0] << ", " << vertex[1] << ", " << vertex[2] << " viewer: " << viewer[0] << ", " << viewer[1] << ", " << viewer[2];
	//cout << " final: " << dist << endl;
	//calc reflection vector via 2 * (n dot v) n - v
	//start w/ n dot v
	GLdouble dot_product = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		dot_product += vertex[i]*viewer[i];
	//2 * (n dot v)
	dot_product *= 2;
	//2 * (n dot v) n - v
	GLdouble reflect[3];	
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		reflect[i] = (dot_product * vertex[i]) - viewer[i];
	//find the texture to use
	int index = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
		if (fabs(reflect[index]) < fabs(reflect[i]))
			index = i;
	switch (index) {
		case 0:
			if (reflect[index] > 0)	//+x
				calcTexCoord2(2, reflect[0], reflect[2], reflect[1]);
				calcTexCoord2(3, reflect[0], reflect[2], reflect[1]);
		case 1:
			if (reflect[index] > 0)
				calcTexCoord2(0, reflect[1], reflect[0], reflect[2]);
				calcTexCoord2(1, reflect[1], reflect[0], reflect[2]);
		case 2:
			if (reflect[index] > 0)
				calcTexCoord2(4, reflect[2], reflect[1], reflect[0]);
				calcTexCoord2(5, reflect[2], reflect[1], reflect[0]);

 * \brief	drawReflectivePole	Draws the poles of the sphere using triangles.
 * 								Borrowing the code from the book.  This one is used
 * 								for the reflective sphere.
 * \param	pole	The pole that we are drawing.
 * \param	viewer	The viewer vector
 * \return	Nothing.

void drawReflectivePole(GLdouble **pole, GLdouble *viewer) {
		for (int i = 0; i < sphere_tri_strip_size; i++) {
			calcTexCoord(pole[i], viewer);
			glVertex3d(pole[i][0], pole[i][1], pole[i][2]);

 * \brief	drawReflectiveSphere	Draws a sphere (with reflection).
 * \param	viewer_x	The viewer's x coordinate.
 * \param	viewer_y	The viewer's y coordinate.
 * \param	viewer_z	The viewer's z coordinate.
 * \return	Nothing.

void drawReflectiveSphere(GLdouble viewer_x, GLdouble viewer_y, GLdouble viewer_z) {
	if (sphere_quad_strip == NULL)
	//calc viewer vector
	GLdouble distance = sqrt(viewer_x*viewer_x + viewer_y*viewer_y + viewer_z*viewer_z);
	GLdouble viewer[] = { viewer_x / distance, viewer_y / distance, viewer_z / distance};

		for (int i = 0; i < sphere_quad_strip_size; i++) {
			calcTexCoord(sphere_quad_strip[i], viewer);


	drawReflectivePole(sphere_top_tri_strip, viewer);
	drawReflectivePole(sphere_bottom_tri_strip, viewer);

Basically, I’m rendering a sphere, texturing it with a cube map. Since the distance from the origin of all the vertexes are exactly 1, I treat the vertexes the same as the normal.

I’m certain there is a bunch of error in my assignment of the coordinates to calcTexCoord2, but I still cannot see why the sphere is rendered in exactly one color.

Thank you for any help you may provide.

I still don’t understand why people want to program in C++ without using classes.

You have viewer position and I assume that the sphere is in the origin and your camera always point to the origin.
Here the first strange thing… you compute the direction only once.
The reflection direction is typically intended per vertex, so should be computer for every vertexes.
Direction should be the direction of the vertexPos-cameraPos vector.
Yes… it’s quite slow, that’s why people use shaders (or fixed hardware implementation).
But this don’t justify the uniform color.
I didn’t check all the math but it seem ok, the real blunder is that you are trying to switch texture (glBindTexture) inside a glBegin glEnd block.

One trivial solution can be to put everything in a big texture and make an extra computation to find the final uv. But this will lead to terrible artifact on the image borders.

I can’t find any easy solution, maybe you can set the texture border to transparent and use a multipass algorithm.

Thank you for your response.

I’ve changed the code to implement the correct calculations for the reflection vector, but the shade color is still in one color.

I believe the reason why is exactly as you stated: glBindTexture cannot be used within the glBegin and glEnd block. I will probably have to find a different way of implementing this step.

Thank you!