diamond square algorithm

I wrote an implementation, but the results are weird, can you help me find the problem? Below is a sample weird image (the sharp peaks and holes are troublesome to me) and code:


# define MIDPOINTa_HPP

#include <cmath>

#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"

#include "boost/random.hpp"

template <class R, class T>
void diamond_stepa(R& vng, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned step,
  boost::multi_array<T, 2>& hf)
  T step2(step / 2);

  T mdx(x + step2);
  T mdy(y + step2);

  hf[mdy][mdx] = (hf[y][x] + hf[y][x + step] + hf[y + step][x] +
    hf[y + step][x + step]) / 4 + vng();

template <class R, class T>
void square_stepa(R& vng, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned step,
  boost::multi_array<T, 2>& hf)
  T step2(step / 2);

  T mdx(x + step2);
  T mdy(y + step2);

  // left
  if (x)
    hf[mdy][x] = (hf[y][x] + hf[y + step][x] + hf[mdy][mdx] +
      hf[mdy][x - step2]) / 4 + vng();
    hf[mdy][x] = (hf[y][x] + hf[y + step][x] + hf[mdy][mdx]) / 3 + vng();

  // right
  if (x + step == hf.size() - 1)
    hf[mdy][x + step] = (hf[y][x + step] + hf[y + step][x + step] +
      hf[mdy][mdx]) / 3 + vng();

  // up
  if (y)
    hf[y][mdx] = (hf[y][x] + hf[y][x + step] + hf[mdy][mdx] +
      hf[y - step2][mdx]) / 4 + vng();
    hf[y][mdx] = (hf[y][x] + hf[y][x + step] + hf[mdy][mdx]) / 3 +

  // down
  if (y + step == hf.size() - 1)
    hf[y + step][mdx] = (hf[y + step][x] + hf[y + step][x + step] +
      hf[mdy][mdx]) / 3 + vng();

template <class R, class T>
void midpointa(R& rng, unsigned n, T hval, T rc, boost::multi_array<T, 2>& hf)
  hval /= 2;

  boost::uniform_real<T> distrib(-hval, hval);
  boost::variate_generator<R, boost::uniform_real<T> > vrg(rng, distrib);

  unsigned step(unsigned(std::pow(2, n)) + 1);

  typedef boost::multi_array<T , 2> array_type;
  typename array_type::extent_gen extents;



  hf[0][0] = vrg();
  hf[0][step] = vrg();
  hf[step][0] = vrg();
  hf[step][step] = vrg();

  unsigned m(step);

    for (unsigned x(0); x != m; x += step)
      for (unsigned y(0); y != m; y += step)
        diamond_stepa(vrg, x, y, step, hf);

    for (unsigned x(0); x != m; x += step)
      for (unsigned y(0); y != m; y += step)
        square_stepa(vrg, x, y, step, hf);

    hval *= std::pow(2, rc);

    boost::uniform_real<T> distrib(-hval, hval);
    vrg.distribution() = distrib;

    step /= 2;
  while (--n);

#endif // MIDPOINTa_HPP


It looks like the problem is that the first rectangle has values that would promote this effect.
For example, if the corners of your first box are at elevations (from top left and clockwise) 0,0,-10,0, then you will get a sharp valley in the lower right corner (as in picture 1) and their isn’t much you can do about it.
Try initializing the algorithm with corner elevations that are all the same value.
Alternatively, you can adjust the adjustment parameter so that the boundary is smooth near the edge. For example if you use simple averaging without a variation, you will get edges that are straight lines.

This should get rid of the strange edge effects you are seeing.

Hope this is helpful,

Thanks, I’ll try it. Good infos. This algorithm has so many variations, I suppose only experience helps.