1D Perlin Noise

Can someone point me in the direction of a 1D Perlin Noise shader function?

I have 2D and 3D variations, but have’t been able to find a 1D version.



OK, answered my own question :slight_smile:

uniform sampler2D PermTexture;			// Permutation texture
const float permTexUnit = 1.0/256.0;		// Perm texture texel-size
const float permTexUnitHalf = 0.5/256.0;	// Half perm texture texel-size

float fade(in float t) {
	return t*t*t*(t*(t*6.0-15.0)+10.0);

float pnoise1D(in float p)
	// Integer part, scaled and offset for texture lookup
	float pi = permTexUnit*floor(p) + permTexUnitHalf;
	// Fractional part for interpolation
	float pf = fract(p);
	float grad00 = texture2D(PermTexture, vec2(pi, 0.0)).r * 4.0 - 1.0;
	float n00 = dot(grad00, pf);
	float grad10 = texture2D(PermTexture, pi + vec2(permTexUnit, 0.0)).r * 4.0 - 1.0;
	float n10 = dot(grad10, pf - 1.0);
	// Blend contributions
	float n = mix(n00, n10, fade(pf));
	return n;

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