Vertex Blending

Is GL_ARB_vertex_blend deprecated?

Is there an efficient way to do vertex blending without using GL_ARB_vertex_program or writing GLSL shaders?

Thank you,
Robert MacHardy

On modern cards GL_ARB_vertex_blend simply generates a shader for you. Just like most other deprecated stuff.
So, either use it despite being deprecated, or finally get updated :slight_smile:

Is there an efficient way to do vertex blending without using GL_ARB_vertex_program or writing GLSL shaders?

ARB_vertex_blend was never well supported. I don’t think NVIDIA ever supported it.

So really, no. Use shaders.

I found that this was deprecated by browsing forums for vertex blending information. Is there a better way to see if extensions are deprecated, a list somewhere perhaps?

Thank you,
Robert MacHardy
