rotate about the mouse clicked point

rotate about the mouse clicked point

Hi, all

I am making a 3d scene, with an area that contains many geometris, and centered on the screen, when rotating, it is for now always going about the center. What I want to do next is: I want it to rotate about the point mouse clicked, instead of the center of the screen, but my code seems odd:

  1. I used UnProject to find the spot that I clicked, but the result seems not really accurate, if not entirely incorrect.

	public void getClickedPositionCoordinate(GL aGL) {
		double[] l_Coordinate = new double[4];
		double[] l_ModelViewMatrix = new double[16];
		double[] l_ProjectionMatrix = new double[16];
		aGL.glGetDoublev(GL.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, l_ModelViewMatrix, 0);
		aGL.glGetDoublev(GL.GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, l_ProjectionMatrix, 0);
		int l_X = fPickPoint.x;
		int l_Y = fViewport[3] - fPickPoint.y - 1;
		FloatBuffer l_ZFloatBuffer = FloatBuffer.allocate(1); 
		aGL.glReadPixels(l_X, l_Y, 1, 1, GL.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL.GL_DOUBLE, l_ZFloatBuffer);
		fGlu.gluUnProject((double) l_X, (double) l_Y, l_ZFloatBuffer.get(0),
				l_ModelViewMatrix, 0, l_ProjectionMatrix, 0, fViewport, 0, l_Coordinate, 0);
		double fClickedPositionX = l_Coordinate[0];
		double fClickedPositionZ = l_Coordinate[2];

  1. I tried to do the non-center rotating using all the maths I know, but it is always like rotating about some spot other that the place I clicked.

		double l_XDisplacement = 0.0;
		double l_ZDisplacement = 0.0;
		double l_AzimuthInRadians = fAzimuth/180.0*Math.PI;
		double l_OldX = 0.0;
		double l_OldZ = 0.0;
		double l_NewX = 0.0;
		double l_NewZ = 0.0;
		if (fClickedPositionX != 0 || fClickedPositionZ != 0) {
			l_AzimuthInRadians = fAzimuth/180.0*Math.PI;
			l_OldX = fClickedPositionX - fRotationCenterX;
			l_OldZ = fClickedPositionZ - fRotationCenterZ;
			l_NewX = l_OldX*Math.cos(l_AzimuthInRadians) - l_OldZ*Math.sin(l_AzimuthInRadians);
			l_NewZ = l_OldX*Math.sin(l_AzimuthInRadians) + l_OldZ*Math.cos(l_AzimuthInRadians);
			l_XDisplacement = l_NewX - l_OldX;
			l_ZDisplacement = l_NewZ - l_OldZ;

A snipt of the code is included above, and any help are welcome.
