Compressed sRGB?

The documentation for glCompressedTexImage2D() states that internalformat must be an extension-specified compressed-texture format.
GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB is a generic, not a specific, format, so I assume it will not work with glCompressedTexImage2D(). But I don’t see any specific compressed format alternative that will give me the automatic color space conversion from sRGB to linear RGB. So how do I load compressed sRGB?

Look at this extension:

Thanks for that. Is there a flag indicating whether the format is sRGB, or a gamma value, in the dds header? I don’t know how to detect whether the file is linear or sRGB or some gamma…

It looks like you can get this information from the DDS_HEADER_DXT10 header (DX10 API). Look at the DXGI_FORMAT description.

Now I do not know which software application is able to write the latest dds format.