Union of overlapping polygon projections

Hey OpenGL users,

I am not an OpenGL user and have only worked with creating graphics with the inventor library. I am yet to find a way to solve my problem. Perhaps someone here can help me.

I want to know if there’s any tool within the OpenGL library for projecting two or more polygons onto a given plane, and then extracting a spatial dataset of the overlapping area of these projections.

I am investigating the effect of shading in fields of solar concentrators in order to optimise the array configuration. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



OpenGL draws stuff, doesn’t do maths for you.

Not sure what you mean by ‘extracting a spatial dataset’? I can think of 3 things you might want: 1) a visual representation of the planar intersection of the projections (this would be 2D), 2) the actual area of this intersection (a number), or 3) a description of the intersection as a 2D polygon (probably concave). #3 would be vertices with coordinates and how they are connected.