Is it possible to use multiple glutMainLoops

Dear all,
I am using openGL in multithreading applications.
My application is for it has to display video in each thread.
This application is working for single thread.
I tried to call the glutMainLoop in each thread after register the callback functions but it is not working properly i.e exitting two windows after displaying few frames.

Is it possible to call glutMainLopp in each thread after register the callback functions?

If I use 2 threads I am registering all call back function for fist thread and not calling glutMainLoop function, calling glutMainLoop after registering the all call back functions for second thread that means i am calling glutMainLopp only once for total application in this case two windows are runing equally but I think in threads it has to be little forward when comapred to anothre thread, this is I this due to first thread is returning to the caller function but due to callback registers only fisrt window is also updating.

Is there any way to use openGL in multithread applications for displaying different videos in different threads?

please help me.

Thanks & Regards,

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