Problem Someone please help!

Hey, new to the forum and new to openGL, so he goes my problem.

I have written some code which loads in a few textures and displays one as a background image, I wish to then overlay this image with another image. In a crude attempt at animation i want to load in several images to create basic texture animation. This i can do HOWEVER the problem is how do i keep my background image whilst playing the animation over the top of it? I’m confused with regards to buffers and matrix pushing and popping. I hope someone can help or at least point me in the right direction, thanks! :slight_smile:

Trying to give a high level view :

for each frame :

  • glClear color(+depth if needed)
  • draw static background image
  • draw current overlay image
  • swapbuffers

This should be enough.

Brilliant, thanks for the response :slight_smile: I will give this ago.