Glu Tesselator Crashes!

What is wrong with my code that it crashes when gluTessEndPolygon is reached? Note I’m using C++/CLI wrapper wround the glu library to get it working and called from C#.

	public ref class GluTessellator
		// TODO: Add your methods for this class here.

		static GLUtesselator *tess;

		static TessellatedSurface^ tessSurf;

	public: GluTessellator() 
			tess = gluNewTess();
			tessSurf = gcnew TessellatedSurface();

			if (tess)
				gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_BEGIN, (void (__stdcall *)())begin);
				gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_END, (void (__stdcall *)())end);
				gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_VERTEX, (void (__stdcall *)())vertex);
				gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_COMBINE, (void (__stdcall *)())combine);
				gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_ERROR, (void (__stdcall *)())error);

	public: ~GluTessellator()
			tessSurf = nullptr;

	public: TessellatedSurface^ TessellateSurface(DrawingSurface^ drawingSurf) 
			gluTessBeginPolygon(tess, NULL);
			double *vdata;
			int i = 0;
			for each(Point3D^ p in drawingSurf->outline->poly->Points)
				vdata = new double[5];
				vdata[0] = p->X;
				vdata[1] = p->Y;
				vdata[2] = p->Z;
				vdata[3] = 0;// drawingSurf.outline.texCoords[i].s;
				vdata[4] = 0;// drawingSurf.outline.texCoords[i].t;
				gluTessVertex(tess, vdata, vdata);
			for each(DrawingPolygon^ hole in drawingSurf->holes) 
				i = 0;
				for each(Point3D^ p in hole->poly->Points) 
					vdata = new double[5];
					vdata[0] = p->X;
					vdata[1] = p->Y;
					vdata[2] = p->Z;
					vdata[3] = 0;// hole.texCoords[i].s;
					vdata[4] = 0;// hole.texCoords[i].t;
					gluTessVertex(tess, vdata, vdata);

			return tessSurf;

		static void __stdcall begin(GLenum type) 
			DrawingPrimitive^ prim = gcnew DrawingPrimitive();
			prim->primType = type;
			tessSurf->primitves->Add( prim );

		static void __stdcall end() 

		static void __stdcall vertex(GLvoid *vertexData) 
			DrawingPrimitive^ prim = tessSurf->primitves[tessSurf->primitves->Count - 1];

			prim->vertices->Add( gcnew VertexCoord( ((double *) vertexData)[0], ((double *) vertexData)[1], ((double *) vertexData)[2] ) );
			prim->texcoords->Add( gcnew TextureCoord( ((double *) vertexData)[3], ((double *) vertexData)[4] ) );

		static void __stdcall combine(GLdouble coords[3], GLdouble *vertex_data[4], GLfloat weight[4], GLdouble **outData) 
			double *v = (double *)malloc(5 * sizeof(double));

			v[0] = coords[0];
			v[1] = coords[1];
			v[2] = coords[2];

			for( int i = 3; i < 5; i++ )
				v[i] = 0;
				for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
				if( vertex_data[j] != 0 )
				v[i] += weight[j] * vertex_data[j][i];

			*outData = v;
		static void __stdcall error(GLenum errCode)
			const GLubyte *errStr;
			errStr = gluErrorString(errCode);

Hope I’m not making it boring by posting the entire code. Other data structures are simply list of vertices and geometric data that can be figured out simply by looking at the code.

I send a polygon with holes using TessellatePolygon.

And it returns a list of primitives, each is an OpenGL primitive such as Quads, Triangle Strip, Fans, …

Is this forum the right place to post this question?

The problem sounds to be related to managed code which screws up everything in an indefinite way.

sounds bad indeed.

u see? as bad as buggy glu.