Fragment Shader not supported by HW?

ATI X1___ series gives this error when trying to link my terrain shader. It does not give any specific information about what is wrong. Any ideas?

Loading shader “abstract::terrain.vert”, “abstract::terrain.frag”…
Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.
Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.
Error: Failed to link shader program.
Fragment shader(s) failed to link, vertex shader(s) linked.
Fragment Shader not supported by HW


attribute float TerrainHeight;

varying vec3 texcoord0;
varying vec2 texcoord1;
varying vec3 VertexPosition;
varying vec4 ModelVertex;

varying vec3 T,B;

uniform vec2 TerrainSectorOffset;
uniform float TerrainSize;
uniform float Height;

uniform float TerrainAltitude;

void main(void) {
	vec4 v = vec4( gl_Vertex.x+TerrainSectorOffset.x, TerrainHeight / 65536.0 * TerrainAltitude, gl_Vertex.y+TerrainSectorOffset.y, 1.0 );
	ModelVertex = gl_ModelViewMatrix * v;
	gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * ModelVertex;
	//vec3 N = (gl_Normal + 1.0) * 0.5;
	T = gl_NormalMatrix * vec3(1.0,0.0,0.0);
	B = gl_NormalMatrix * vec3(0.0,0.0,-1.0);
	gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;

	texcoord0 =;
	texcoord0.z *= -1.0;
	texcoord1 = (vec2(TerrainSectorOffset.x+gl_Vertex.x,-TerrainSectorOffset.y-gl_Vertex.y)) / TerrainSize + vec2(0.5/TerrainSize,-0.5/TerrainSize) + vec2(0.5,0.5);
	VertexPosition =;
	if (gl_Fog.color.w>0.0) {
		gl_FogFragCoord = max(-( gl_ModelViewMatrix * v ).z,0.0);
		gl_ClipVertex = gl_ModelViewMatrix * vec4( gl_Vertex.x+TerrainSectorOffset.x, TerrainHeight / 65536.0 * TerrainAltitude, gl_Vertex.y+TerrainSectorOffset.y, 1.0 );


uniform sampler2D texture0;// normal map
uniform sampler2D texture1;// alpha map
uniform sampler2D texture2;// texture0
uniform sampler2D texture3;// bumpmap0
uniform sampler2D texture4;// texture1
uniform sampler2D texture5;// bumpmap1
uniform sampler2D texture6;// texture2
uniform sampler2D texture7;// bumpmap2
//uniform sampler2D texture8;// texture3
//uniform sampler2D texture9;// bumpmap3

uniform sampler2DShadow texture8;
uniform sampler2DShadow texture9;
uniform sampler2DShadow texture10;
uniform sampler2DShadow texture11;
uniform sampler2DShadow texture12;
uniform sampler2DShadow texture13;
uniform sampler2DShadow texture14;
uniform sampler2DShadow texture15;
uniform sampler2DShadow texture16;

varying vec3 VertexPosition;

uniform vec3 CameraPosition;

uniform vec2 LayerPosition[ LW_TERRAINLAYERS ];
uniform vec2 LayerScale[ LW_TERRAINLAYERS ];
uniform float LayerRotation[ LW_TERRAINLAYERS ];

varying vec3 texcoord0;
varying vec2 texcoord1;

uniform mat4 LightMatrix[ LW_LIGHTMATRIXARRAYSIZE ];

varying vec4 ModelVertex;

varying vec3 T,B;

Include "light.glsl"
Include "DirectionalShadow.glsl"
Include "PointShadow.glsl"
Include "SpotShadow.glsl"

void main(void) {

	vec4 AmbientLight = gl_LightSource[0].ambient;
	float dirshadowoffset = 0.0;
	vec4 lightcolor = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
	vec4 albedo;
	vec4 alpha = texture2D(texture1,texcoord1);
	vec4 bumpcolor;
	vec3 normal;
	vec3 worldNormal = normalize(((texture2D(texture0,texcoord1).xyz - 0.5) * 2.0).xyz);
	vec3 N = normalize( gl_NormalMatrix * worldNormal);
	vec3 bumpnormal = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
	float shininess = 0.0;
	vec2 coord;	
	vec3 mix;	
	float sum = abs(worldNormal.x) + abs(worldNormal.y) + abs(worldNormal.z);
	mix.x = abs(worldNormal.x) / sum;
	mix.y = abs(worldNormal.y) / sum;
	mix.z = abs(worldNormal.z) / sum;
	albedo = vec4(1.0);
	vec4 layerdiffuse;
	vec4 layerdiffuse1;
	int usebumpcolor;
	// ====================================================================
	// Texture 0
	// ====================================================================
	#ifdef LW_LAYER0
			layerdiffuse = texture2D(LW_LAYER0,texcoord0.xy / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.x) * mix.z;
			layerdiffuse += texture2D(LW_LAYER0,texcoord0.zy / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.x) * mix.x;
			layerdiffuse += texture2D(LW_LAYER0,texcoord0.xz / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.x) * mix.y;
			layerdiffuse = clamp(layerdiffuse,0.0,1.0);
			layerdiffuse = texture2D(LW_LAYER0,texcoord0.xz / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.x);
		albedo = layerdiffuse;
	// ====================================================================
	// ====================================================================
	// ====================================================================
	// Bumpmap 0
	// ====================================================================
	#ifdef LW_BUMPMAP0
			layerdiffuse = texture2D(LW_BUMPMAP0,texcoord0.xy / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.x) * abs(worldNormal.z);
			layerdiffuse += (texture2D(LW_BUMPMAP0,texcoord0.zy / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.x) * abs(worldNormal.x));
			layerdiffuse += (texture2D(LW_BUMPMAP0,texcoord0.xz / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.x) * abs(worldNormal.y));
			//layerdiffuse = texture2D(LW_BUMPMAP0,texcoord0.xy / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.x);
			//layerdiffuse1 = texture2D(LW_BUMPMAP0,texcoord0.zy / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.x);
			//layerdiffuse = layerdiffuse*mix + layerdiffuse1*(1.0-mix);
			layerdiffuse = texture2D(LW_BUMPMAP0,texcoord0.xz / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.x);
		bumpcolor = layerdiffuse;
	#ifndef LW_BUMPMAP0
		bumpcolor = vec4(0.5,0.5,1.0,1.0);//vec4(worldNormal*0.5+0.5,1.0);
	// ====================================================================
	// ====================================================================
	// ====================================================================
	// Texture 1
	// ====================================================================	
	#ifdef LW_LAYER1
			layerdiffuse = texture2D(LW_LAYER1,texcoord0.xy / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.y) * mix.z;
			layerdiffuse += texture2D(LW_LAYER1,texcoord0.zy / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.y) * mix.x;
			layerdiffuse += texture2D(LW_LAYER1,texcoord0.xz / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.y) * mix.y;
			layerdiffuse = texture2D(LW_LAYER1,texcoord0.xz / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.y);
		albedo = (1.0 - alpha.x) * albedo + (alpha.x * layerdiffuse);
	// ====================================================================
	// ====================================================================
	// ====================================================================
	// Bumpmap 1
	// ====================================================================
	#ifdef LW_BUMPMAP1
			layerdiffuse = texture2D(LW_BUMPMAP1,texcoord0.xy / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.y) * mix.z;
			layerdiffuse += texture2D(LW_BUMPMAP1,texcoord0.zy / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.y) * mix.x;
			layerdiffuse += texture2D(LW_BUMPMAP1,texcoord0.xz / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.y) * mix.y;
			layerdiffuse = texture2D(LW_BUMPMAP1,texcoord0.xz / gl_LightSource[1].ambient.y);
		bumpcolor = (1.0 - alpha.x) * bumpcolor + (alpha.x * layerdiffuse);
	// ====================================================================
	// ====================================================================
	bumpnormal = normalize( - 0.5);
	normal = T * bumpnormal.x + B * bumpnormal.y + N * bumpnormal.z;

	//#ifdef LW_LAYER2
	//	albedo = (1.0 - alpha.y) * albedo + (alpha.y * texture2D(texture6,texcoord0*0.5));
	//	bumpcolor = texture2D(texture7,texcoord0);
	//	normal = normalize( - 0.5);
	//	normal = normal * (1.0 - alpha.y) + (alpha.y * (T * normal.x + B * normal.y + N * normal.z));	
	//#ifdef LW_LAYER3
	//	albedo = (1.0 - alpha.z) * albedo + (alpha.z * texture2D(texture8,texcoord0*0.5));
	//	bumpcolor = texture2D(texture9,texcoord0);
	//	normal = normalize( - 0.5);
	//	normal = normal * (1.0 - alpha.z) + (alpha.z * (T * normal.x + B * normal.y + N * normal.z));	

	Include "ProcessLights.glsl"
	vec4 finalcolor = albedo * AmbientLight + albedo * lightcolor;
	//gl_FragColor = AmbientLight * 0.5 + lightcolor * 0.5;	

			//if (abs(worldNormal.x)>abs(worldNormal.z)) {
			//	gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
			//else {
			//	gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0);

	Include "Fog.glsl"

	gl_FragColor = finalcolor;

	//gl_FragColor = lightcolor;


You’re using 17 textures (0-16), maybe you go over the limit? Remove one texture & try again & check if it links.

Due to the way the defines are set up, most of those texture units do not get called in the shader and therefore the pre-compiler should eliminate them from the code.

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