Developing OpenGL under Xcode 3.0


I’ve just started learning ANSI C++ under Xcode and being kind of lazy guy I don’t want to learn either Cocoa or Carbon.
So I’ve been wondering whether one could invoke in a C++ Command Line project :

  1. only OpenGL libraries
  2. both Framework and OpenGL libraries

Thanks for your help

If you are just learning, I think GLUT should suffice. Just drag the OpenGL & GLUT frameworks into your projects.

That’s about as bare bones as you can get.

Just make sure you put:

#include <GLUT/glut.h>

in your source files.
This should get you started.

Just great

If you want framed OpenGL app, follow tutorial @
-> copy/paste some OpenGL sample code in your project then click “Build and Go”

If you don’t mind terminal window showing while OpenGL app running
-> create New Project / Command Line Utility / C++ Tool
-> name your project
-> right click on your project’s name, Add Existing Frameworks…
-> GLUT.framework
-> then OpenGL.framework
-> copy/paste some OpenGL sample code in your project then click “Build and Go”

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