Particles oriented according to camera position

With the help of Arne Reiners, I implemented a particle system that rotates the particles according the camera rotation; this is a cheap and fast way to handle it.

However, I am finding that for lighting I need more accurate orientations. It is easy for me to find the vector between the camera position and particle center. How can I use that information to set the particle vertices so they only depend on camera position and not rotation?

Here is my current particle vertex shader:

uniform float AppTime;
uniform vec2 ParticleOffset[4];
uniform float RotationSpeed;
uniform float ParticleCount;
uniform float ParticleCycle;
uniform float ParticleTick;
varying vec3 VertexPosition;
varying vec2 texcoord0;
varying vec2 texcoord1;
uniform mat4 CameraMatrix;
varying vec3 ParticlePosition;
varying vec3 N;

void main(void) {
	float cycle;
	float index;
	if (gl_Vertex.w==-1.0) {;
		// Particle is hidden
		gl_Position = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
		index = floor( gl_Vertex.w / 4.0 );
		cycle = mod(ParticleCycle + (index * ParticleTick)/(ParticleTick * (ParticleCount-1)),1.0);	
		// Scale
		float radius = cycle * 0.05 * 100.0;
		// Fade in
		if (cycle<0.1) {
		// Fade out
		if (cycle>0.75) {
		vec4 v = gl_ModelViewMatrix * vec4(, 1.0 );
		vec3 ov = ( CameraMatrix * v ).xyz;
		ParticlePosition = (gl_ProjectionMatrix * v).xyz;
		vec2 offset = ParticleOffset[ int(mod( gl_Vertex.w, 4.0 )) ];// * radius;

		// Rotation
		float seed = ( ( index * 169.0 + AppTime ) / 1000.0 ) * 3.14159265 * 2.0 * RotationSpeed;
		if ( (floor( index/2.0 ) * 2.0) == index ) {
			seed *= -1.0;
		float sa = sin( seed );
		float ca = cos( seed );
		v.x += sa * offset.y * radius - ca * offset.x * radius;
		v.y += -ca * offset.y * radius - sa * offset.x * radius;
		texcoord0 = offset * 0.5 + 0.5;
		texcoord1.x = sa * offset.y - ca * offset.x;
		texcoord1.y = -ca * offset.y - sa * offset.x;
		texcoord1 = texcoord1 * 0.5 + 0.5;
		VertexPosition = ( CameraMatrix * v ).xyz;
		N = normalize(VertexPosition - ov);
		N = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * N);
		gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * v;


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