Display Lists Limits

Is there a maximum number of display lists you are allowed to have? If there is a limit, is this per GL Widget or on the system for the whole. I am working on a project that display lists would greatly improve rendering time, but I need to know if I can have up to a couple thousand display lists. Thanks!

AFAIK since the handle for a display list is a GLuint you can theoretically fill this range with display lists. However, I cannot say what this will do to your video memory and what will be stored where.

I guess, in practice, keep creating them as long as glGenLists(…) returns valid values.

Under Win32 you will hit virtual address limits first anyway.
Continuing with display lists by checking glGenLists results is not enough. You must call glGetError after glEndList to catch GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY conditions. That’s the only way to verify if display list creation has succeeded.

Thanks I will try those out then!