Indecent request: help converting cg to glsl

Hello everybody, as the subject says, i’d like to convert the following cg shaders into glsl language. Can someone help me ? Thanks

void watervert ( float4 position			    :	POSITION,					
		         float2 texCoord		    :	TEXCOORD0,	
		         float3 normalcg	            :	NORMAL,

				 out float4 oPosition		:	POSITION,		
				 out float3 lightDirection	:	TEXCOORD1,
				 out float2 oTexCoord		:	TEXCOORD2,
				 out float4 Position		:	TEXCOORD3,
				 out float4 oPosition2		:       TEXCOORD4,
                 out float  oExtinction     : COLOR0,

				 uniform float3   lightPosition,
				 uniform float3   eyePos,
				 uniform float4x4 ModelViewProj
	oTexCoord = texCoord;      // normal map texture coord
	oPosition = mul(ModelViewProj, position);
	Position = position;
	oPosition2 = oPosition;
	lightDirection = lightPosition;

	float z = length(;
	oExtinction = exp(-0.0000001*z*0.65);
void waterfrag(
                  float  Extinction        : COLOR0,
		  float3 lightDir		   : TEXCOORD1,
		  float2 normalMapTexCoord : TEXCOORD2,
		  float4 Position		   : TEXCOORD3,
		  float4 Pos	      : TEXCOORD4,
	          uniform sampler2D reflMap,
		  out  float4 ocolor       : COLOR,			

                  uniform float4      SunColorIntensity,
		  uniform float3   eyePosition,
		  uniform sampler2D   normalMap,
		  uniform sampler2D environmentMap)	

//const float4 waterColor     = float4(0.55,0.6,0.65, 1.0);
const float4 waterColor     = float4(0.55,0.65,0.79, 1.0);
const float4 refractedColor = float4(0.04, 0.20, 0.50, 1.0);
const float4 specularColor  = float4(1.0, 0.88, 0.65, 1.0);

float3 eyeDirNew=normalize(;

float3 N = 2*(2*tex2D(normalMap,normalMapTexCoord)-1.0);   // normal
N += 2*(2*tex2D(normalMap,Position.xz*0.001)-1.0);   // normal
N = normalize(N);
float foam = 0.0;

float3 R = reflect(-eyeDirNew,N);                     // reflection vector
float diffuse = max(dot(N,lightDir), 0);
float3 halfVec  = normalize(lightDir + eyeDirNew);
float  specular = max(dot(N, halfVec),0);
float4 lighting = lit(diffuse, specular, 48);
float reflectionFactor = 0.02 + 0.98*pow(1.0 - dot(eyeDirNew,N), 4);

float d = 0.8f;                             /* amount of distortion */
float4 projCoord = Pos/Pos.z;
projCoord = (projCoord + 1.0) * 0.5f;
projCoord.xz += d * N.xz;                   /* add normal for distortion */
projCoord = clamp(projCoord, 0.001, 0.999); /* coords must be kept inside texture */
float4 reflectedColor = tex2D(environmentMap, projCoord.xy);

ocolor = waterColor*reflectedColor;
ocolor = lerp(refractedColor,ocolor,reflectionFactor) + lighting.z*specularColor  + foam;
ocolor.rgb = lerp(SunColorIntensity.rgb, ocolor.rgb, Extinction);
//ocolor.rgb = reflectedColor.rgb;

You can use the new CG 1.5. it has glsl profiles…

ok, but with glsl profiles i can use glsl shaders code with cg, while i need the exact contrary.

1.5 allows you to take a Cg file and compile it into GLSL vertex and fragment shaders.

For example:

cgc -profile glslf -entry waterfrag -o water_frag.glsl

ok, thank you very much for the explanation ! I’m going to try it …

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