Assembly output of GLSL program

Is it possible to get the output of the compiled GLSL program? I want to know how many instructions were needed to compile a certain program.


“number of instructions” will depend on the hardware used. And don’t imagine that ARB vp/fp are actual hardware instructions. The hardware already changed a lot.

The Nvidia has NVemulate tool which can dump the corresponding vp/fp assembly for linked GLSL programs. If you compile that assembly you may use the vp/fp api to query number of native instructions (I do not know how much precise that information is and what the driver considers a one native instruction). Of course the results of this entire process are valid only for Nvidia cards.

Alternativelly the NVShaderPerf tool also prints (if I remember correctly) resulting assembly for choosen GPU family together with performance related informations for the shader on that GPU. This information is also Nvidia specific.

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