Sampler2D in a uniform struct

Hello, I am working on a driver for windows, I would like to know if GLSL needs to support structs of samplers.

I went through the specs and couldn’t find evidence pointing either way.

Basically, would this be OK glsl code or something that only CG would compile.

struct HappyTexture{
Sampler2D myTexture;
char myTextureName[16]; 

uniform HappyTextures myTex[3];

// do shader voodoo to myTex[n].myTexture



Did you run this code with GLSL Validate ? :

It passed, I also see now the frontend already made by 3dlabs… CURSE MY HOME PROJECTS WHERE I DON’T RESEARCH BEFORE I CODE! :slight_smile:

ps. Be on the watchout for an avr32 opengl2.0 driver that may work in 128x128 :slight_smile:

avr32 ? isn’t it way too slow for anything 3D ?
How does this compares to a Pentium II 500Mhz for example ?

interesting project…

It’s not quite as fast, but it’s faster than a GBA… don’t forget that it’s connected to an LCD that will probably be 128x128 pixels. Anyway, I already got some wireframes/quads/GL_SMOOTH working.

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