Keyboard and GLUT


I need to know the state of keys (pressed, realeased), i saw the example in the new OpenGL Toolkit FAQ and there is an half-answer for this, becouse in my glut.h (version 3) file, i didn’t find any function where i can register a:
keyboardfunc( int key, int state )
callback function

So how do i register this callback, or how do i call this function?


Originally posted by Hec:

I need to know the state of keys (pressed, realeased), i saw the example in the new OpenGL Toolkit FAQ and there is an half-answer for this, becouse in my glut.h (version 3) file, i didn’t find any function where i can register a:
keyboardfunc( int key, int state )
callback function

So how do i register this callback, or how do i call this function?


I’ll update the faq with this example code -
hope this helps.


// gluttest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include “stdafx.h”
#include <windows.h>
#include “glut.h”
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma comment( lib, “glut32” )

static bool keystate[256];

void glutKeyboardUpCallback( unsigned char key, int x, int y )
printf( "keyup=%i
", key );
keystate[key] = false;

void glutKeyboardCallback( unsigned char key, int x, int y )
printf( "keydn=%i
", key );
keystate[key] = true;

void glutDisplayCallback( void )

for ( int i=0; i <= 255; i++ )
if ( keystate[i] == true )
printf( "ASCII key %i is pressed.
", i );


int main(int argc, char* argv)

glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);
glutCreateWindow( "test" );
glutKeyboardFunc( glutKeyboardCallback );
glutKeyboardUpFunc( glutKeyboardUpCallback );
glutDisplayFunc( glutDisplayCallback );

return 0;

Thanks Jim!