two questions...

hi there
1st Question :
im using GLUT and im using glutKeyboardFunc to see if a key is pressed but i need to know when a key is unpressed what would be the easyest to do this?
Question 2: i need to have joystick input for my program and i have no idea where to start
thanx in advance

What platform are you working on?

The simplest solution is to switch to a different windowing framework. There are a number of useful libraries which support various different functionalities and platforms.


Originally posted by jono_123:
hi there
1st Question :
im using GLUT and im using glutKeyboardFunc to see if a key is pressed but i need to know when a key is unpressed what would be the easyest to do this?
Question 2: i need to have joystick input for my program and i have no idea where to start
thanx in advance

i programing in windows
where can i find these librarys from?
and which of my questions where you answering?

Both questions.





Or check the listings for Frameworks .

My personal favorite is Cpw, but hey, I wrote that library. It supports everything your looking for. The code is free and well commented so if your looking for good example code it’s a good place to start as well.


[This message has been edited by jmathies (edited 05-22-2002).]

thanx for that
i got it under control now