opengl 2.0

I have been trying a bit of opengl programming and wish to use buffer objects. I have noticed that these function are not in my gl header file which says ‘#define GL_VERSION_1_1’ in it. I have been trying to find version 2.0 to download but every version I find is 1.1. Where can I get 2.0 from.

Originally posted by Dave3000:
I have been trying a bit of opengl programming and wish to use buffer objects. I have noticed that these function are not in my gl header file which says ‘#define GL_VERSION_1_1’ in it. I have been trying to find version 2.0 to download but every version I find is 1.1. Where can I get 2.0 from.
Ok there is no OpenGL 2.0 that u can download. Anything after opengl 1.1 on win platform needs to be loaded via extensions, also you video card drivers need to support these extensions too.

I won’t go into anymore detail because there is plenty of info on this, use google and look for OpenGL extensions.

This page may help

I have tried glGetString(GL_VERSION1) and glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) and both return a null pointer. Why?

sorry thats glGetString(GL_VERSION)

how do I get the extension list


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