Maximum # opengl rendering contexts

Is there a limit in Windows? If so, is there a way to determine what it is? I’m seeing some strange behavior when I get about 18 displays up and I’m trying to hunt down what’s causing the problem. Thanks in advance.

Originally posted by m boss:
Is there a limit in Windows? If so, is there a way to determine what it is? I’m seeing some strange behavior when I get about 18 displays up and I’m trying to hunt down what’s causing the problem. Thanks in advance.
There’s no limit in the number of OpenGL rendering contexts other than those imposed by available memory/system resources or other harware-vendor-specific limitations. Professional applications like Maya use more than 14 contexts without problems and you can even open several instances of the application.

Yes, there is a limit. I assume you are using wglCreateContext() and wglCreateLayerContext()? If so then you are limited to 15 overlays and 15 underlays, so you could have a total of 31 windows. Check out PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR in VC++ help. See bReserved.

I’m curious, it sounds like you got overlays to work. I’m trying to overlay some text on video and I’m not getting anywhere (I don’t see any text, but I see the video). What did you do to get overlays to work?

Originally posted by mccloed3:
Yes, there is a limit. I assume you are using wglCreateContext() and wglCreateLayerContext()? If so then you are limited to 15 overlays and 15 underlays, so you could have a total of 31 windows. Check out PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR in VC++ help. See bReserved.

mccloed3, you are talking about different thing. The max number of overlays is has nothing to do with the number of windows or the number of opengl rendering contexts. Currently available hardware rarely supports overlays at all, so the actuallimit for the number of overlays in practice is really 1 and not 15 (i.e. overlay 0). As for the max number of windows or contexts - there is no such limit set by the API specification.

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