A little OT: Call For Papers

Dear readers,

I’d like to direct your attention to the following call for papers for a workshop about scene graph/game engine systems that is being organized right now. I’d like to invite you to submit something about your problems and experience designing and building these systems.

If you’re not interested yourself, feel free to forward this to anybody who might be.

Thank you for your consideration

Dirk Reiners
General Chair

Call for Papers

OpenSG 2003

Concepts and Components of Software Frameworks
for Interactive 3D Graphics

April 1st/2nd 2003

in cooperation with:


3D graphics hardware is becoming ubiquitous, and more and more applications depend on being able to efficiently use the exisiting capabilities. Low-level interfaces like OpenGL, while being the most flexible approach, leave a lot of problems open to the user.

Scene graphs have become an important paradigm for the construction of extensible and flexible general-purpose interactive 3D graphics systems. They are used in a large variety of application areas and on a large variety of platforms, ranging from wearable computers to large clusters or graphics super-computer systems. The current developments in computer graphics hardware and algorithms offer new opportunities and present new challenges for these general-purpose systems.

Many new algorithms are still developed in stand-alone systems, which prevents them from being used and evaluated in a more general context or being integrated into applications. One reason may be that designing and implementing a clean, integrated system is not a simple task. To quote Fred Brooks: “It took us a year to develop the different algorithms for our walkthrough system. It took us another year to make them work together.”

On the other hand more specialized systems like game engines are getting increasingly powerful and are being used for a number of different, not necessarily game-related, tasks. Architectural walkthroughs, museum exhibits and other installations have been realized using game engines.

The goal of this symposium is to give the participants an opportunity to present and discuss current work in the area of interactive 3D graphics systems, their concepts, designs and implementations.

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Scene Graphs and Game Engines: Applicability and Limits
  • Clustering
  • Multi-Thread Handling
  • High-Level Shading
  • Efficient Geometry Data Management
  • Abstraction of Hardware Differences
  • Flexible and Efficient Graphics State Handling
  • Creation and Consistency of Secondary Hierarchies

While we welcome contributions based on the OpenSG system, this is by no means a prerequisite.

The submitted papers should cover original work and can present research projects and results as well as experiences from actual applications.


The workshop will be held at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (Fraunhofer IGD) in Darmstadt, Germany.


The deadline for paper submissions is Friday, February 28th 2003. All submissions will be electronic, details will be posted in advance of the deadline.

The results of the reviews will be sent out on March 14th.


The style should follow the Eurographics Digital Library styleguides (see the Guidelines for details). The maximum length of the papers is 8 pages.

(Pending) The presented papers will be published in the Eurographics and ACM Digital Libraries. Selected papers will collected in a special issue of Computers & Graphics.


Dirk Reiners
OpenSG Forum
Fraunhoferstr. 5
64283 Darmstadt, Germany

Program Commitee:

Andreas Kolb, FH Wedel
Andreas Werner, Vircinity
Artur Raczynski, Siemens
Bengt-Olaf Schneider, nVidia
Carolina Cruz-Neira, Iowa State University
Detlef Schiron, EADS
Dieter Fellner, TU Braunschweig
Dirk Bartz, University of Tübingen
Gerrit Voss, CamTech
Horst Stenzel, FH Köln
Jan Kautz, MPI Saarbrücken
Katja Daubert, MPI Saarbrücken
Klaus Kansy, Fraunhofer FIT
Ludwig Groten, Realtime Technology
Marc Alexa, TU Darmstadt
Marc Stamminger, University of Erlangen
Michael Doggett, ATI
Michal Ponder, EPFL
Ove Sommer, Science & Computing
Reinhard Klein, University of Bonn
Roger J. Hubbold, University of Manchester
Stefan Mueller, University of Koblenz
Wolfgang Heidrich, University of British Columbia