OpenGL 1.3 vs Direct3D Comparison

Does anyone know where I can find a comparison between OpenGL 1.3 or 1.4 and Direct3D (8.1)?

compare em yourselves. GL 1.4 is more flexable and faster and DX is slower but higher (API) wise. Glut libraries are good addition for openGL.

Hi these are differnce bet ween
opengl and direct X.

  1. Opengl Hardware dependnet, that means rendering and speed depends up
    on Hardware.

  2. Direct X is indpendent of harware

  3. Direct X versions are frequently
    updates than Opengl.

  4. Quality of Opengl Image better
    than DirectX.

  5. Speed and Performace is better
    than DirectX.

  6. Opengl Implentations are Function call

  7. Direct X implementations are COM

  8. Opengl Supports third party Glut.lib
    and Auxlib to implement Multiview etc…

  9. For Direct X we can use MFC and Win Api calls

if you want to get any info for me reagarding this please let me know.


I actually came across this interesting article very recently. It offers a nice, unbiased comparison between the two API’s.

Old GLman.

Originally posted by rajasekharss:
[b]Hi these are differnce bet ween
opengl and direct X.

  1. Opengl Hardware dependnet, that means rendering and speed depends up
    on Hardware.
  1. Direct X is indpendent of harware
  1. Direct X versions are frequently
    updates than Opengl.
  1. Quality of Opengl Image better
    than DirectX.
  1. Speed and Performace is better
    than DirectX.
  1. Opengl Implentations are Function call
  1. Direct X implementations are COM
  1. Opengl Supports third party Glut.lib
    and Auxlib to implement Multiview etc…
  1. For Direct X we can use MFC and Win Api calls

if you want to get any info for me reagarding this please let me know.


Actually I always thought that gl is much more independent from the platform then DX.

[This message has been edited by valmian (edited 11-25-2002).]

OpenGL is platform independent (Windows, Linux etc.), but has different interfaces for different cards, actually we’re talking only about ATI and nVidia here…

How did this get in the “High-level APIs” forum?

Another plus to OpenGL is that it’s supported by just about every OS since 95!

DirectX is really only for Windows

I realize it’s been about 3 months since the original post, but I have something constructive to add to this discussion. A comparison of the two APIs can be found here:
This website is linked to by topic 5.140 “Should I use Direct3D or OpenGL?” in the OpenGL FAQ (accessable from the main page). It may be a little dated (last modified in May 2001), but it’s thorough and seems to be fairly objective.