OpenGL Rendering

Hi, Could anybody tell me how to render Multigen’s .flt file using OpenGL?


OpenGL does not handle/deal with file formats in any way. You’ll have to look elsewhere to find either an existing library that will load your files for you, or a specification of the file format so you can write your own loader.

– Tom

Moving thread to the Higher Level APIs forum.

YOU can use other toolkits that call through OpenGL to load and draw your Multigen Open Flight model.

An example of this is Open Scene Graph:

Most toolkits like this can load 3D models in a range of formats and draw them at the direction of your application code.

If you want to use it an OpenGL app then look at Polytrans from and their OpenFlight add on.

You can read an OpenFlight file in to Polytrans and then save it as Opengl ‘C’ code…

You can also write your own loader/renderer. Get the OpenFlight specification from

Hi, you can use the flt free loader source code for SGL library. :eek: