OpenGL SDK for OS X?

How do I get the OpenGL SDK for OS X? I got the OSX Beta developer CD off the Net. Unfortunately, it requires OS X even to install the libraries and headers. (It is in Apple’s new proprietary package format). Is there any way to get the SDK without installing OS X? I really don’t want to screw up my machine by installing a beta OS, but I do want to carbonize my OpenGL apps. Thanks in advance for any help.

Originally posted by macsrule:
How do I get the OpenGL SDK for OS X? I got the OSX Beta developer CD off the Net. …

Well I installed it and it did not ruin my system. But I am not so lucky that I own a Developer CD. Of cause I would be glad to extract the OpenGL SDK for you
If you think we could synergate, you can contact me at ICQ: 72987970

Where the heck did you get the Dev CD
URLs Please


Just in case you guys havent found it:

They said recently they might FINALLY post the new headers and SDK to

You can sign up for a free online membership if you haven’t already.

I have the OS X Beta Developer Tools CD and I cannot find the OpenGL SDK on the CD. Any idea why it’s not there?

Ryan Bates

the headers and sample code is on the CD, but packaged so you need to install it on a OSX system, I guess?!

I have both OSX and the Developer Tools installed, but still cannot find OpenGL SDK. Is there anyone here who has actually seen the OpenGL SDK for OS X? It is out, isn’t it?


as far as I have seen it is not a different package but part of OSX and the dev tools. Just import GLUT.h or NSOpenGL.h

For Os X beta there is a developers CD. After you install the developers cd goto the /Dveloper/Examples/GLUTExamples .

I think you basically create a new project with project builder…then you include the appropriate frameworks. That is, in project builder Project Menu select add Framework. The frameworks are located in /System/Library/Frameworks . I think there are 3 frameworks associated with opengl. They are AGL.framework, GLUT.framework and OpenGL.framework. Though, if you are creating a glut app you only need to add in the GLUT framework.

The other tripping point I had is how do I include stuff. Seemed a little different from my mac os 9 opengl apps. Now you need to #include <GLUT/glut.h> This should include the gl.h and glut.h for the program.

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