Nvidia specifications

How to use the Nvidia opengl sdk under Linux ?
Does anyone has any idea ?
I download it from nvidia site, but it seems only a windows sdk. Have I to compile it under Linux ?

I notice wgl_AllocateMemoryNV(), is there any glxAllocateMemoryNV() ? Is there portable functions ?

Thanks a lot.

Not everything from nvidia can be built under linux. A lot of them can and it may be a good idea to build with -fno-for-scope -fpermiisive. I did not look up the switches so they can be spellt wrong.
Yes, there is a glXAllocateMemoryNV.

OK, if I understood well, i need to link my
programm with this libraries:
fno-for-scope and fpermissive

is that true ? where can I found these libraries ? I think that’s not the nvidia specificities libraries.

And in order to use glXAllocateMemoryNV, i need GLX1.3 or lesser ?

As i said before, i’ve got the nvidia sdk for windows. i need (i think) to build them under Linux.

fno-for-scope and fpermissive are not libraries, they are switches for gcc to be tolerant regarding syntax.

Ive succesfully compiled severall examples from nvidia, but I doubt the whole sdk could be compiled without effort if they do not use glut.

OK then,
i use glut, so you thing that i won’t encouter problem while compiling all the extensions ? I hope, too.
what i want to know is if i need to link them with GL, GLU, glut ? glx ?

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