Loading textures

I’ve ported my texture loading functions from windows to linux but although finally they compiled, the texture won’t show up. I don’t even get an error message or something. If the image I’m trying to load doesn’t exist, nothing shows up. I’ve tried all the GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_FLOAT, GL_BITMAP etc. options but nothing happens. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.

I doubt anyone will be able to help you unless they have a crystal ball at hand.

the texture won’t show up

Do you see the model colored(usually white)/lit etc.?

If the image I’m trying to load doesn’t exist, nothing shows up.

This makes sense to me, even for windows.

I’ve tried all the GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_FLOAT, GL_BITMAP etc. options but nothing happens.

These aren’t exactly options.They describe your data.If you loaded your image from a file then it should probably be GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.
d)Last but not least: I(and everyone else I suppose) can only guess unless you post some code.Especially the part where you create and upload the texture.

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