OpenGL and Fedora

Hi Guys

Ok i just installed Fedora Core 3 because i want to port my Windows GL app over to linux.

Anyway i got a 9800 pro and i installed all the drivers from ati for it. If i type fglrxinfo and glxinfo from the command line they both report the OpenGL vendor is ATI. So i run tuxracer at 1280x1024 and it run’s just fine so it appears the ATI driver is installed and working correctly. Ok now to my problem, i open up Kdevelop and make just a test program using SDL to create the GL window for me, this works just fine but when i run glGetString and get the renderer and version it is reporting the MESA driver ??? and obviouslly the app runs pretty slow.

Any ideas anyone??

check all the libGL.*so on your system, they may point to the MESA software ones. Or maybe it is just Kdevelop linking to the wrong versions.

Try to rename/remove the Mesa versions for GL and GLU.

ok i fixed that problem, i was using devc++ on windows so i just modified the Makefile to suit linux and now it reports the correct GL version etc BUT now i get a new problem with glext.h …here is just an example

…/…/src/glext.h:6463: error: typedef PFNGLRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEEXTPROC' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead) ../../src/glext.h:6462: error:GLsizei’ was not declared in this scope
…/…/src/glext.h:6462: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token
…/…/src/glext.h:6462: error: `renderbuffers’ was not declared in this scope

i am getting this with just about everyline in glext.h …i also tried using the glext.h that ships with fedora and get the same error

ok here is my makefile, maybe i ain’t linking to something i should be???

####################################CPP = g++

CC = gcc

OBJ = …/…/output/linux/Camera.o …/…/output/linux/CBaseTerrain.o …/…/output/linux/CFont.o …/…/output/linux/CGeoTerrain.o …/…/output/linux/CImage.o …/…/output/linux/CSkybox.o …/…/output/linux/CVideo.o …/…/output/linux/CWater.o …/…/output/linux/Frustum.o …/…/output/linux/Main.o …/…/output/linux/Math3D.o …/…/output/linux/MathRoutines.o $(RES)

LINKOBJ = …/…/output/linux/Camera.o …/…/output/linux/CBaseTerrain.o …/…/output/linux/CFont.o …/…/output/linux/CGeoTerrain.o …/…/output/linux/CImage.o …/…/output/linux/CSkybox.o …/…/output/linux/CVideo.o …/…/output/linux/CWater.o …/…/output/linux/Frustum.o …/…/output/linux/Main.o …/…/output/linux/Math3D.o …/…/output/linux/MathRoutines.o $(RES)

LIBS = -L"/usr/X11R6/lib" -L -lGL -lGLU -lSDLmain -lSDL -lSDL_image

CXXINCS = -I"include/"

BIN = …/…/output/linux/TerraE


.PHONY: all all-before all-after clean clean-custom

all: all-before …/…/output/linux/TerraE all-after

clean: clean-custom

rm -f $(OBJ) $(BIN)

$(BIN): $(OBJ)

$(CPP) $(LINKOBJ) -o "..\..\output\linux\TerraE" $(LIBS)

…/…/output/linux/Camera.o: …/…/src/Camera.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/Camera.cpp -o ../../output/linux/Camera.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/CBaseTerrain.o: …/…/src/CBaseTerrain.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/CBaseTerrain.cpp -o ../../output/linux/CBaseTerrain.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/CFont.o: …/…/src/CFont.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/CFont.cpp -o ../../output/linux/CFont.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/CGeoTerrain.o: …/…/src/CGeoTerrain.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/CGeoTerrain.cpp -o ../../output/linux/CGeoTerrain.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/CImage.o: …/…/src/CImage.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/CImage.cpp -o ../../output/linux/CImage.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/CSkybox.o: …/…/src/CSkybox.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/CSkybox.cpp -o ../../output/linux/CSkybox.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/CVideo.o: …/…/src/CVideo.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/CVideo.cpp -o ../../output/linux/CVideo.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/CWater.o: …/…/src/CWater.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/CWater.cpp -o ../../output/linux/CWater.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/Frustum.o: …/…/src/Frustum.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/Frustum.cpp -o ../../output/linux/Frustum.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/Main.o: …/…/src/Main.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/Main.cpp -o ../../output/linux/Main.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/Math3D.o: …/…/src/Math3D.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/Math3D.cpp -o ../../output/linux/Math3D.o $(CXXFLAGS)

…/…/output/linux/MathRoutines.o: …/…/src/MathRoutines.cpp

$(CPP) -c ../../src/MathRoutines.cpp -o ../../output/linux/MathRoutines.o $(CXXFLAGS)

This is not a linking problem but a compilation issue. Check for your opengl headers.

aah what a stuff up …in the headers i had #ifdef LINUX instead of linux …oops lowercase :wink:

Originally posted by bulldogs:
aah what a stuff up …in the headers i had #ifdef LINUX instead of linux …oops lowercase :wink:
I hope you mean your headers.

yes my headers, not fedora’s GL headers

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