To make it work, Fedora4, Anjuta 1.2.2, OpenGL

As topic indicates, I run Fedora4, and use the Anjuta 1.2.2 to manage my programing.

I’ve tried to read other posts and follow the examples, but it just wont work.

I tried to compile the following…


Display			*dpy 	= XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Window			root 	= DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
GLint                   att[] 	= {GLX_RGBA, None};
XVisualInfo             *vi   	= glXChooseVisual(dpy, 0, att);
GLXContext              glc   	= glXCreateContext(dpy, vi, NULL, False);
Visual                  *vis  	= DefaultVisual(dpy, 0);
Colormap                cmap  	= XCreateColormap(dpy, root, vis, AllocNone);
unsigned int		w 	= XDisplayWidth(dpy, 0) / 2;
unsigned int		h 	= XDisplayHeight(dpy, 0) / 2;
int                     dep   	= DefaultDepth(dpy, 0);
int                     cmask 	= CWColormap | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask;
int                     emask 	= ExposureMask;
XEvent			xev;
XSetWindowAttributes	swa;
XWindowAttributes	gwa;
Window			win;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

 swa.colormap     	= cmap;
 swa.border_pixel 	= 0;
 swa.event_mask   	= emask;
 win              	= XCreateWindow(dpy, root, 0, 0, 400, 400, 0, dep, InputOutput, vis, cmask, &swa);
 XStoreName(dpy, win, "SIMPLE GL QUAD");
 XMapWindow(dpy, win);

 glXMakeCurrent(dpy, win, glc);
 glClearColor(0.00, 0.00, 0.60, 1.00);

 glOrtho(-1., 1., -1., 1., 1., 100.);

 gluLookAt(0., 0., 10., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.);

 while(1) {
	XNextEvent(dpy, &xev);
	if(xev.type == Expose) {

		XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, win, &gwa);
		w = gwa.width;
		h = gwa.height;

 		glViewport(0, 0, w, h);

		 glColor3f(1., 0., 0.); glVertex3f(-.75, -.75, 0.);
		 glColor3f(0., 1., 0.); glVertex3f( .75, -.75, 0.);
		 glColor3f(0., 0., 1.); glVertex3f( .75,  .75, 0.);
		 glColor3f(1., 1., 0.); glVertex3f(-.75,  .75, 0.);

		glFlush(); } } }
// gcc -I/usr/X11R6/include/ -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o SimpleQuad -lX11 -lGL -lGLU

Then I get this :

Compiling file: main.c ...
gcc `glib-config --cflags` `gtk-config --cflags` `gnome-config --cflags glib gtk gnome gnomeui` `gnome-config --cflags glib gtk gnome gnomeui bonobo` `gtkmm-config --cflags` `gnome-config --cflags gnomemm` `libglade-config --cflags gnome` `wx-config --cxxflags`       -c "main.c" -o "main.o"
sh: glib-config: command not found
sh: gtk-config: command not found
sh: gnome-config: command not found
sh: gnome-config: command not found
sh: gtkmm-config: command not found
sh: gnome-config: command not found
sh: libglade-config: command not found
sh: wx-config: command not found
main.c:1:21: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory
In file included from main.c:2:
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:26:23: error: X11/Xutil.h: No such file or directory
In file included from main.c:2:
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:139: error: syntax error before ‘GLXContextID’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:140: error: syntax error before ‘GLXPixmap’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:141: error: syntax error before ‘GLXDrawable’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:142: error: syntax error before ‘GLXPbuffer’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:143: error: syntax error before ‘GLXWindow’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:144: error: syntax error before ‘GLXFBConfigID’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:162: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:162: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:165: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:168: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:171: error: syntax error before ‘glXCreateGLXPixmap’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:171: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:174: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:176: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:178: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:183: error: syntax error before ‘glXGetCurrentDrawable’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:185: error: syntax error before ‘glXIsDirect’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:185: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:187: error: syntax error before ‘glXMakeCurrent’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:187: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:190: error: syntax error before ‘glXQueryExtension’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:190: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:192: error: syntax error before ‘glXQueryVersion’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:192: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:194: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:196: error: syntax error before ‘font’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:208: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:210: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:212: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:221: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:229: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:232: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:236: error: syntax error before ‘glXCreatePbuffer’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:236: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:239: error: syntax error before ‘glXCreatePixmap’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:239: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:242: error: syntax error before ‘glXCreateWindow’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:242: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:245: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:247: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:249: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:251: error: syntax error before ‘glXGetCurrentReadDrawable’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:253: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:256: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:258: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:261: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:261: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:263: error: syntax error before ‘glXMakeContextCurrent’
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:263: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:266: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:269: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:272: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:275: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:276: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:277: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:278: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:278: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:279: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:279: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:279: error: ‘GLXWindow’ declared as function returning a function
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:279: error: ‘GLXWindow’ redeclared as different kind of symbol
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:143: error: previous declaration of ‘GLXWindow’ was here
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:280: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:281: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:281: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:281: error: ‘GLXPixmap’ declared as function returning a function
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:281: error: ‘GLXPixmap’ redeclared as different kind of symbol
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:140: error: previous declaration of ‘GLXPixmap’ was here
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:282: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:283: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:283: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:283: error: ‘GLXPbuffer’ declared as function returning a function
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:283: error: ‘GLXPbuffer’ redeclared as different kind of symbol
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:142: error: previous declaration of ‘GLXPbuffer’ was here
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:284: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:285: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:286: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:287: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:287: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:287: error: ‘Bool’ declared as function returning a function
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:288: error: syntax error before ‘*’ token
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:288: error: ‘GLXDrawable’ declared as function returning a function
/usr/include/GL/glx.h:288: error: ‘GLXDrawable’ redeclared as different kind of symbol
Completed ... unsuccessful
Total time taken: 0 secs 

Never mind I didnt have all the dev-tools installed… beginners mistake hehe

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