OT: X11 keypad keycode probs


Bit off topic, but slightly related anyway (this question is for the GLFW OpenGL toolkit):

I’m using X11 directly (not GLUT), and I’m having problems with the numeric keypad keycodes (XK_KP_0, XK_KP_1, …, XK_KP_9 etc). I run Linux Mandrake / nVidia, and regardless of the state of my NumLock, I always receive XK_KP_Down, XK_KP_Insert etc, instead of the corresponding numeric codes.

Do I have to do anything special to enable correct NumLock behaviour?

I have a book about X11 coding at my job… will take a look

Thanks, I’m a bit lost here.

How exactly do you get the keycode from the event?Everything seems to work fine with me.I’m running Slack 8.0 but it shouldn’t matter.

Originally posted by zen:
How exactly do you get the keycode from the event?Everything seems to work fine with me.I’m running Slack 8.0 but it shouldn’t matter.

I do:

XEvent event;
XNextEvent( Dpy, &event );
switch( event.type )
    case KeyPress:
        // ... translate event.xkey.keycode
    // etc...

And the translation is:

int TranslateKey( int keycode )
    int key = XKeycodeToKeysym( Dpy, keycode, 0 );

    switch( key )
        // Special keys (non character keys)
        case XK_Escape:       return GLFW_KEY_ESC;
        case XK_Tab:          return GLFW_KEY_TAB;
        case XK_Shift_L:      return GLFW_KEY_LSHIFT;
        // ...etc

        // Numeric keypad
        case XK_KP_0:         return GLFW_KEY_KP_0;
        // ...etc

…am I missing something?

Yep,keysyms are a little bit more complicated.Here’s a quote from the xlib manual pages(you should get them if you want to program X btw,that is if you don’t allready have them)

A KeyCode represents a physical (or logical) key. KeyCodes lie in the inclusive range [8,255]. A KeyCode value carries no intrinsic information, although server implementors may attempt to encode geometry (for example, matrix) information in some fashion so that it can be interpreted in a server-dependent fashion. The mapping between keys and KeyCodes cannot be changed.

A KeySym is an encoding of a symbol on the cap of a key. The set of defined KeySyms includes the ISO Latin character sets (1-4), Katakana, Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Technical, Special, Publishing, APL, Hebrew, Thai, Korean and a miscellany of keys found on keyboards (Return, Help, Tab, and so on). To the extent possible, these sets are derived from international standards. In areas where no standards exist, some of these sets are derived from Digital Equipment Corporation standards. The list of defined symbols can be found in X11/keysymdef.h. Unfortunately, some C preprocessors have limits on the number of defined symbols. If you must use KeySyms not in the Latin 1-4, Greek, and miscellaneous classes, you may have to define a symbol for those sets. Most applications usually only include X11/keysym.h, which defines symbols for ISO Latin 1-4, Greek, and miscellaneous.

A list of KeySyms is associated with each KeyCode. The list is intended to convey the set of symbols on the corresponding key. If the list (ignoring trailing NoSymbol entries) is a single KeySym K'', then the list is treated as if it were the list K NoSymbol K NoSymbol’‘. If the list (ignoring trailing NoSymbol entries) is a pair of KeySyms K1 K2'', then the list is treated as if it were the list K1 K2 K1 K2’‘. If the list (ignoring trailing NoSymbol entries) is a triple of KeySyms K1 K2 K3'', then the list is treated as if it were the list K1 K2 K3 NoSymbol’‘. When an explicit ``void’’ element is desired in the list, the value VoidSymbol can be used.

The first four elements of the list are split into two groups of KeySyms. Group 1 contains the first and second KeySyms; Group 2 contains the third and fourth KeySyms. Within each group, if the second element of the group is NoSymbol , then the group should be treated as if the second element were the same as the first element, except when the first element is an alphabetic KeySym K'' for which both lowercase and uppercase forms are defined. In that case, the group should be treated as if the first element were the lowercase form of K’’ and the second element were the uppercase form of ``K.‘’

The standard rules for obtaining a KeySym from a KeyPress event make use of only the Group 1 and Group 2 KeySyms; no interpretation of other KeySyms in the list is given. Which group to use is determined by the modifier state. Switching between groups is controlled by the KeySym named MODE SWITCH, by attaching that KeySym to some KeyCode and attaching that KeyCode to any one of the modifiers Mod1 through Mod5. This modifier is called the group modifier. For any KeyCode, Group 1 is used when the group modifier is off, and Group 2 is used when the group modifier is on.

The Lock modifier is interpreted as CapsLock when the KeySym named XK_Caps_Lock is attached to some KeyCode and that KeyCode is attached to the Lock modifier. The Lock modifier is interpreted as ShiftLock when the KeySym named XK_Shift_Lock is attached to some KeyCode and that KeyCode is attached to the Lock modifier. If the Lock modifier could be interpreted as both CapsLock and ShiftLock, the CapsLock interpretation is used.

The operation of keypad keys is controlled by the KeySym named XK_Num_Lock, by attaching that KeySym to some KeyCode and attaching that KeyCode to any one of the modifiers Mod1 through Mod5 . This modifier is called the numlock modifier. The standard KeySyms with the prefix ``XK_KP_‘’ in their name are called keypad KeySyms; these are KeySyms with numeric value in the hexadecimal range 0xFF80 to 0xFFBD inclusive. In addition, vendor-specific KeySyms in the hexadecimal range 0x11000000 to 0x1100FFFF are also keypad KeySyms.

Within a group, the choice of KeySym is determined by applying the first rule that is satisfied from the following list:

* The numlock modifier is on and the second KeySym is a keypad KeySym. In this case, if the Shift modifier is on, or if the Lock modifier is on and is interpreted as ShiftLock, then the first KeySym is used, otherwise the second KeySym is used.
* The Shift and Lock modifiers are both off. In this case, the first KeySym is used.
* The Shift modifier is off, and the Lock modifier is on and is interpreted as CapsLock. In this case, the first KeySym is used, but if that KeySym is lowercase alphabetic, then the corresponding uppercase KeySym is used instead.
* The Shift modifier is on, and the Lock modifier is on and is interpreted as CapsLock. In this case, the second KeySym is used, but if that KeySym is lowercase alphabetic, then the corresponding uppercase KeySym is used instead.
* The Shift modifier is on, or the Lock modifier is on and is interpreted as ShiftLock, or both. In this case, the second KeySym is used.

No spatial geometry of the symbols on the key is defined by their order in the KeySym list, although a geometry might be defined on a server-specific basis. The X server does not use the mapping between KeyCodes and KeySyms. Rather, it merely stores it for reading and writing by clients.

So just stating 0 as index in the call to KeycodeToKeysym always get’s you the non-numlock version.One alternative is to use XLookupString(you don’t have to get the string of the keysym if you don’t need it,just pass NULL).There might be a better way if you don’t need the string,but I’m not sure.I haven’t looked into this for quite some time.
btw you should have problem with other modifiers too,such as shift ot caps-lock.

[This message has been edited by zen (edited 09-28-2002).]

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