How to link *.jpg to a movie file?

I do many sreenshoots of opengl model and save them as *.jpg. Now I want to link these pic to a mv file(e.g *avi :slight_smile: ), so I can see them smoothly :smiley: .

Can anyone help me to provide some linux freeware which can do this?

Sorry, I know this problem is something irrelevant to opengl.

But I like as much as OpenGL. Also I find people here are helpful and expert in the graphics field.

So forgive me please and maybe help me out :smiley:

I too had same problem, so i just transfered all the images to my Windows machine. There are number of software available for Microsoft windows to combine jpg images to movie file.

Though this is not a good idea, I just gave an hint.

you should use mencoder from mplayer download at

You also might add a line in your code like:

   if (movie) {
    sprintf(buf, "import -window 0x%0x /scratch/neckels/movie/pp%03d.miff", gd->WindowNumber(), i-1);
", buf);

to automatically save the jpg images as you frame them.

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