how to eliminate z-fighting in dense building model

I create a city model, but the building model are very dense in a region, almost the building models are located together, when flying the 3D model, z-fighting will emerge ? how can i eliminate it, can anyone give me some good advice?
Thanks in advance

im not quite sure what you mean, but you might try making the viewing frustrum smaller, thus making the z-buffer more accurate.

If you’re already requesting a 24 bit depth buffer, pretty much all you can do beyond that is move the near clip plane further out, the far clip plane closer in, or your geometry further apart.

– Zeno

Originally posted by Spaceboy:
I create a city model, but the building model are very dense in a region, almost the building models are located together, when flying the 3D model, z-fighting will emerge ? how can i eliminate it, can anyone give me some good advice?

Use a BSP. It will give you perfect implicit Z sorting, and you won’t need a depth buffer anymore if you render front to back.
