OpenGL & GUI ?

Hi !
What could be the most popular lib to create and manage GUI in an OpenGL program ? Our main need is that we’ll have to create additional GUI graphical elements if those proposed by the API doesn’t satisfy our client ! (Different buttons etc…)

Would “GLI” be a good choice ?

What are you using ?
P.S. I can’t use Win32 or MFC or any other “MS-Windows-like” GUI lib !

You could check out Visual Component Framework, maybe it’s what you want.

Originally posted by transnept:

What could be the most popular lib to create and manage GUI in an OpenGL program ? Our main need is that we’ll have to create additional GUI graphical elements if those proposed by the API doesn’t satisfy our client ! (Different buttons etc…)

Give a look a the GLUI package. It has nice widgets


Originally posted by deepmind:
Give a look a the GLUI package. It has nice widgets

GLUI rulez:-D

GLUI it’s interesting for demos and smaller apps while beeing platform independent, because it sits on top of GLUT.

At school we’ll use it to make small code samples to support lessons in OpenGL.

It’s easy to use(only around 5-10 LOC to have a UI for dragging and rotating the scene), you don’t have to care about ui components align and position, just insert them, connect them with variables and/or callback functions and the UI is ready
