error 32817 after call glColorTableEXT

I had to try make indexed 12bit 3D texture on NV 4200 TI,
after call glColorTableEXT(GL_TEXTURE_3D,GL_RGB,4096,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,indexTable); glGetError returns 32817.
and after call
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0,COLOR_INDEX12_EXT, tWidth, tHeight, tDepth, 0,GL_COLOR_INDEX,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, pImage);
glGetError returns GL_INVALID_VALUE
and glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_3D,0,TEXTURE_INDEX_SIZE_EXT,&checkSize); return 0
so it is posible that internal format COLOR_INDEX12_EXT is not supported by this card or im doing something wrong?

Error code 32817 or 0x8031 is GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE according to my gl.h and glext.h files. Did you even try to look up this error code or read the spec for the extension you’re trying to use?

Originally posted by Aaron:
Error code 32817 or 0x8031 is GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE according to my gl.h and glext.h files. Did you even try to look up this error code or read the spec for the extension you’re trying to use?

Thans for reply and sorry for that I had old header file for gl ver. 1.1 and TABLE_TOO_LARGE is defined in 1.2