GLIntercept 0.5 is out.

GLIntercept (The OpenGL /logger debugger tool) has now released version 0.5.

You can get it here
Once Nutty has updated the mirror, you will also be able to get it here:

Assuming no-one reports anything major here, I will do the news posts later this week. (Also look out for the article on it in ShaderX4)

I would appreciate it if ATI owners can test their code with the GLSL shader editor as I had to add some workarounds to some ATI issues. (ATI are aware of them)

This is mostly a maintaince release for OpenGL 2.0 interface updates but other things included:

  • Updated GLSL and other logging interfaces to accept OpenGL 2.0 interfaces.

  • Added workaround to ATI issues in the GLSL shader editor.

  • Added “Break on shader usage” to the shader editor.
    (Handy for finding where a shader is being used in code)

  • Added GL_GREMEDY_string_marker to the extension override plugin.

  • Added support for multiple draw buffers to the frame logger.

  • Added support for frame buffer objects to the texture logger.

  • Added support for pixel buffer objects to the texture and frame logger.

  • Re-wrote low level interaction code to work on Linux.
    Main .dll/.so now compiles and works in Linux.
    (Note: I won’t be doing a linux binary until I have completed all the plugins)

On a personal note: I a no longer working with graphics in my current job. So I am looking to “jump ship”. If you company is hiring, send me an email. More details about me can be found under the links section on the GLIntercept website…

Sorry I have had forgotten you for the linux version and you just remember it. I’ll do my best to finish it as soon as possible.


Mirror updated. :slight_smile:

Is there a chance nested displaylists will be supported anytime soon?

If you mean a display list that calls another display list - then I was not planning on supporting that in a logging sence soon. (GLIntercept should still work, it may just miss a render call inside a nested display list - and obviously you have to manually find the display list called.)

How badly do you need it? It would not be impossible for me to add it (I don’t think).

I wouldn’t have asked otherwise. :slight_smile:
In some projects I do a LOT of nesting where a more elaborate engine framework would be overkill. Storing each displaylist and putting them into xml format would be great!

Def: Send me an email (address in readme on website) and I’m sure we can discuss and sort out ezactly what you want to see.