Vertex selection

Could someone please make or give me a demo or tutorial on vertex selection I know how I can translate it though. Please any help will be appriciated !!

first match in google for ‘opengl picking’

Picking Tutorial:

have fun

Thanks for your help but my request was for vertex selection not objct selection
More help please!!

what about considering a vertex as an object?

maybe if you draw your model with a dummy name on the name stack, then draw your vertex only with a relevant name on the name stack and a GL_POINT_SIZE big enough not to search the exact pixel

i have never done this and i have no example, but i think this should work. if you managed to do object picking this should be easy to test.
please tell me how it worked

have fun!

Just extract the frustum planes ( tutorial ) and find the verts that are inside these planes.

[This message has been edited by GeLeTo (edited 12-07-2002).]

Thanks for the help but if anybody has an example it would be appriciated