Multi-textures and vertex arrays

Right now I use display lists, and want to transition to vertex arrays and VBOs. But I have a question about how to use vertex arrays for multi-texturing. (I don’t have any code problems yet, but need some help getting started. Thus the pseudo code that follows.)

I do the following to send vertex data (I’m using shaders to combine the textures and do surface bump mapping)

// for each vertex…
glNormal3f( nx, ny, nz );                  // normal vector
glTexCoord2f( u,v );                       // base texture coordinates
glMultiTexCoord2f( decal_unit, du, dv );   // decal texture coordinates
glMultiTexCoord3f( tan_unit, tx, ty, tz ); // tanget texture coordinates
glVertex3f( vx, vy, vz );                  // vertex

My question is… is there a vertex array equivalent to glMultiTexCoord, or should I setup the arrays like this…

// setup vertex array…
 EnableClientState ( NORMAL_ARRAY );
  NormalPointer( float, 0, pNormal );

ClientActiveTexture( BaseTextureUnit    );  // << is this the right way to
 EnableClientState ( TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);  // << setup multi-texture units
  TexCoordPointer  ( 2, float, pBaseTex );  // << using vertex arrays ?????

ClientActiveTexture( DecalTextureUnit   );  // <<
 EnableClientState ( TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);  // <<
  TexCoordPointer  ( 2, float, pDecalTex);  // <<

ClientActiveTexture( TangentTextureUnit );  // <<
 EnableClientState ( TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);  // <<
  TexCoordPointer  ( 3, float, pTangents);  // <<

 EnableClientState ( VERTEX_ARRAY );
  VertexPointer( 3, float, 0, pVertex );

 EnableClientState ( INDEX_ARRAY );
  IndexPointer( int, 0, pIndex );

// draw the arrays…
DrawArrays( mode, 0, count );

// clean up…
DisableClientState ( INDEX_ARRAY );
DisableClientState ( NORMAL_ARRAY);
DisableClientState ( VERTEX_ARRAY);

ClientActiveTexture( BaseTextureUnit    );  // << disable each texture unit
 DisableClientState( TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);  // << this way ?????

ClientActiveTexture( DecalTextureUnit   );
 DisableClientState( TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);

ClientActiveTexture( TangentTextureUnit );
 DisableClientState( TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);

Thanks in advance for help. Just need to get my head around how to approach this.


There is no glMultiTexCoordPointer() or something like this.

So, your way is the only right way to enable multi-texturing. Firstly, glClientActiveTextureARB() tells which unit to use, then, glEnableClientState() and glTexCoordPointer() do what you want. Disabling is right also!

[b]There is no glMultiTexCoordPointer() or something like this.

So, your way is the only right way to enable multi-texturing. Firstly, glClientActiveTextureARB() tells which unit to use, then, glEnableClientState() and glTexCoordPointer() do what you want. Disabling is right also! [/b]
Alternatively, use:


thanks for the responses. That’s just what I needed.